This Page Sponsored by the Family of Mickey McDonald 

55th - August 17, 2013
54th - May 5, 2012Home of Dan and Barbara Ehrhorn2900 Dennis Rd. Weatherford, TX 76087 ![]()
50th - June 19 - 22, 2008Park Plaza Holiday Inn3701 South Loop 289 Lubbock, TX 797423 After several years of planning by Kay Carmickle Kirkpatrick and her committee, the Class of 1958's 50th year reunion was held in June 2008. The week-end was filled with activities including a golf tournament, a tour of the Buddy Holly museum and a tour of Lubbock High School. Aging Westerners enjoyed a sock hop, karaoke and a musical jam fest among other activities. "Peggy Sue" was even there, signing her book. |
Click here to see the Program of Events.
The following classmates attended:
Alma Hill Dunn | Helen Cook Robnett | Lydia Farris Kidd |
Anna Jones Edwards | Hershell Pruitt | Mac Shaw |
Barbara Brazell Reed | Hinda Kahn Abrahamson | Marilyn Woods McElya |
Barbara Thompson | Jack Tillinghast | Mickey McDonald |
Betty Blue Turner | James Holder | Myrna Sue Carter Eades |
Bill Gann | James Tabor | Myrl Raines Robinson |
Bill Spain | Jane Allen Southerland | Nancy Adams Barnes |
Bill Stovall | Jay Kinnison | Nancy Wooten Pilkington |
Billy Smyrl | Jerry Cowan | Pat Avara |
Bob Glazner | Jerry Sandlin Anderson | Pat Humphrey McBroom |
Bobby Hunt | Jim Hendon | Pat McDonald |
Bonnie Edwards Deaver | Jim Nixon | Patsy Cummins Gregg |
Carma Middleton Bell | Jimmy Oldham | Peggy Sue Gerron |
Carol Cromer Bassinger | Joan Carvey Rice | Preston Johnson |
Carol Wheeler Currie | Joe Peddy | Pug Mahon |
Charles Hill | Johnny Clemmons | Rames "Red" Mowery |
Cherolyn Pruitt | Johnny Oldham | Ray Beddingfield |
Clinton Maner | Johnny Walker | Richard Hopson |
Costa Dunias | Johnny Webb | Rosenell Haney Bullock |
Dan Ehrhorn | Jonnie Wren Santoro | Sam Lytal |
Dan Harris | Joy Darden Jones | Sharon Sutherland Seymour |
Dan Kelly | Joyce Smith Manning | Shirley Brewer Schulze |
Dana Noble Hardcastle | Judy Nutt Posey | Shirley Freeman Brawner |
Daphana Dancer Pendley | Karen Harrison Odam | Spurgeon Strandtmann |
David Cowan | Karen Spruiell Neimeth | Sue Trumble Childress |
Delmer Bass | Kathy Everett Young | Susan Philbrick Sticksel |
DeWitt Weaver | Kay Carmickle Kirkpatrick | Suzanne McNeil Shipman |
Dick Kennedy | Kay Eller Heddy | Ted Pope |
Dixie McEachern Jones | Larry Byers | Tom Roberts |
Don Sledge | Larry Hampton | Tommy Bacon |
Donald Weldon | Larue Elliott Cochran | Tommy Herrington |
Donna Keith Lacy | Lawrence Banks | Tony Moyers |
Donna Beth Dunn Simes | Lawrence Osborn | Veronyka Tremer Vance |
Dorothy Allen Good | Lewis Rix | Virginia Combs Rowden |
Emily Ann Cardwell | Lewis C Barr | Virginia McCray Bettes |
Frankie McCain O'Neil | Linda Jordan Harper | Wanda Gunter Byres |
Gayla Hodge | Linda Owen Spanswick | Wood Marcy |
Georgia Scott Snell | Linda Kay Lane Abrams | Wylda Thomas Darden |
Geraldine Gowens Gentry | Linda Sue Smith Reagan | |
Glenda Walker McElroy | Loren Langston |
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Our Cost In 1958
- Car: $2,200
- Gasoline: 30 cents/gal
- House: $18,000
- Bread: 19 cents/loaf
- Milk: $1.01/gal
- Postage Stamp: 4 cents
- Average Salary: $5,500
- Minimum Wage: $1.00 Hr
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- Any donation is meaningful to us and very much appreciated.
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- ...and always remember...
"Once a Westerner, Always a Westerner"