Hello, Class of '58 Members:

Dear Jim,

The official Lubbock High School Class of 1958 website is now up and running at http://lubbockhighclassof1958.com

The site will eventually have six primary pages. So far we have completed the Home Page, Class List and Links. The Photo Album and Reunions pages will come later. Several of the sub-pages are also active (Facebook Help and Summer Meetings).

The Playlist of songs (at the bottom) is a little slow to load, but well worth the wait. If you have a favorite tune, let me know and I'll put it on. One Caution, the volume varies between songs so keep your mouse near the volume control.

As with everything in life, this site cost something to build. I am soliciting page sponsorships for a small donation - which will help pay the cost of software, hosting and all the things that go with websites. Let me know if you're interested in helping out.

Your comments and questions are welcomed.

Jim Nixon



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Lubbock High - Class of '58 | P O Box 336952-0616 | Greeley | CO | 80633-0616