August 2012

To the Class of 1958:
From: Kay Carmickle Kirkpatrick

Just a short note to let you know that we had a covered dish dinner last week in Lubbock , which was attended by eight of our classmates and three of our husbands. In attendance were:

  • Veronyka Tremer
  • Kay Eller
  • Bonnie Edwards
  • Kathy Pharr
  • Carma Middleton
  • Geraldine Gowens
  • Gayla Hodges
  • and myself (Maiden names given for the sake of identification)

All these ladies have agreed to work on the committee. Even Kay Eller, who now lives in California, will help. We set the date for our 55th Class reunion and we will hold it in Lubbock on August 16 & 17th, (Friday & Saturday) 2013, which is exactly one year from today. More details will be forthcoming, but we plan to keep it very low-budget, as we are aware that many of us are now living on fixed incomes. Please mark your calendars for these two days, and we will be sending you more information as it becomes available.

If any of you would like to open your home to a visiting classmate for a night or two, that might make the difference in them getting to come or not. It could also be a great opportunity to get to know someone very special. If you think you would like to do this, you can let me know so I can match people up. If you think you might enjoy staying with a classmate while you are here, if you would also let me know. I think this could be great fun!!

If any of you would like to make a donation to our class fund, it would be greatly appreciated. I would suggest $25.00. If you can do more, that would be appreciated. If you don’t feel that you can donate at this time that is perfectly fine, too. Please don’t feel obligated. We will be doing 2-3 paper mailings, and with a mailing list of approx. 300, the cost really can add up.

If you have access to any classmate’s current addresses, phone numbers or e-mail addresses, could you please share them with us? Also, if you have moved in the last few years, you might share that with us also. Check the page “Our Class Roster” list on website at for the latest information we have. Jim Nixon, Eleanor Clayton and Robert Davis and others have done a great job of locating people, but we do continue to move around.

I just hope you will all try to come. As we are all too painfully aware, our class is getting smaller all the time. I will be back in touch as soon as we have more details available. We mostly just want to keep it simple, so folks can visit and enjoy each other. And if you have never come to one of our reunions before, PLEASE consider coming while you still can. You will be surprised at how much you are going to like us all. We are all so mellowed out, and there are no ‘most popular’, ‘cutest’,’ best hair’, ‘runs fastest’. These days it is more ‘sits alone’ and ‘doesn’t dribble too much’.

We’re hoping to see you all next year.

Love to you all from
Kay and the 55th Committee

My Contact Information:

8609 Rochester Ave
Lubbock, TX 79424
Phone: 806-794-6164
Cell: 806-787-7029

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